The list below is names of people who previosly owned a Buckle Coupe sports cars.
We would love to hear from them or their families or friends.
Hoping you might have some old photo's or information regarding their life with their Buckle.
This list below were ex owners that we would like to contact in person,
or their families or friends for further information.
Suburbs listed: Owner was last known at, we believe.
ADAMS Vic ACT 1962ish (Owned the convertible Buckle)
ARMSTRONG C. Barwon Heads Vic 1975ish
Barton Brian Geelong area Vic. 1964ish
BELL Chris Ermington NSW 1970
BISSETT John Granville NSW 1959/60
BOOTH Bob Belfields NSW 1965
BROPHY John Coogee NSW 1982
CAREY Greg Roseville NSW 1985-90
DAVIS Pete Roseville 1970s
FIRTH Bill Kogarah Bay NSW 1974/80s
FIRTH Jim or John? Janalli area NSW 1974/80s
HODGSON Ron Car dealer Sydney NSW 1959 original owner.
JARRETT Kelvin Lidcombe 1962
KANE Clive Granville NSW 1960 original owner.
McNAMARA Norm-Jill Cronulla area 1964
MORRIS Cobb Lithgow 1975
MURRAY Dermer 1960 original owner
O'BRIEN Brisbane Qland 1964ish
SOUTER Ron (Ford Dealer) 1958 original owner
STAPLES Charlie Gosford area 1960s
WALSHE Keith (Radio/TV) 1959/61
WARDROP Ron Croydon area NSW 1964
ZIVIANNI Steve Casula NSW 1970s?
WATSON T. of 25 Lindsay St Wentworthville 1963ish
GOLDS John of Smith st Wentworthville 1964ish
This list below is ex owners that we have made contact with.
Noel Anderson, Bev Baldwin, Peter Brown, John Caffin, Ray & Shirley Cary, Ian Clayton, Bill Cole,
David Cowley, Mick Crampton, Ian Cummins, Bill Davies, Brian Doyle, Tony Dalton,
Don Graham, Patrick Halloran, Noel Hill, Warwick Holyoake, Barry & Lynn Jenkins,
Bill Kopsen, Ray Leckie, Norm McDonald, Errol Michell, Pim Newell, Max Parrish,
Barry Read, John Russell, Graham Sharp, Brett Sowerby, Bruce Taylor,
Barry Topen, Peter Williamson, Patricia Read, Les Wright, Peter Lees.
Geoff & Jan Keene, Alan & Lee Criss, Bob Lumby, Alan & Maureen James,
Bob & Robyn Rollinghoff, Dr. Murray & Gillian Elliott, Frank Blomfield's family.
Ted Annand, Jim Smith, Bob Butcher, John Wray, Beverly Brown's family,
Geoff & Cheryle Vivian, Geoff Jacques, Leo Tutt, Brian Houston
These photos are of ex Buckle owners
Photos wanted of all the ex Buckle owners listed below.
We have photos of these ex owners below...we would like better ones
Sadly we know some are no longer with us.
We will always remember them.
We would love to hear from their families and friends.
Betty Lawler, Max & Dianne Parrish, Tony Dalton, Bob Booth,
Dick Newell, Bill Moody, Alex Strachan, Clive Kane,
John Bissett, Beverly Brown, Pete Davis, Keith Walshe, Vic Adams,
Frank Blomfield, Geoff Keene,
Ron Hodgson - 1988
Robert Butcher 1946-2015
Peter Williamson 1938-2016
Mick Crampton 1930-2016
Ian Cummins 1939-2016
Alan Criss -2016
Ray Leckie -2017
Barry Topen 1933-2018
Stuart Schofields 1944-2018
Warwick Holyoake 2021
Brian Lawler 2021
Bill Buckle 2023
John Caffin 2024
and ones who raced a Buckle
Lorraine Hill
Sir Jack Brabham 3 times World Champion 1926-2014
John Cummins. 1929-2014
Ian Cook 1940-2000
These photo boards were on display at Brian Lawler's Farewell 2021
Rest in Peace Brian.

Robyn and I endeavour to meet with Buckle owners and ex owners as soon as possible.
Below are the ones we have met for the first time since they owned a Buckle.

At the 2010 Historic race meeting at Eastern Creek Raceway, a guy walked up to Bill Buckle and said
"I bought one of these new from you in 1960". Bill called me over and I then met Brett Sowerby.
This made my day after many conversations about Buckles of course.
Brett owned 93-888 back in 1960-1963 and raced it at many circuits.

We met up with Bill Cole in Nov. 2011 at his home in a pretty little Victorian town called Yackandandah.
It was great to see Bill and have a chat. As you can see he is fit and well and still restoring cars.
Bill and Pam owned 93-896 back in 1961-1964.

Today 29/3/12 we met up with Bob & Robyn Rollinghoff while they were in Sydney.
My wife Robyn, myself and Bill Buckle had morning tea together, chatting about our race days,
Buckles, Goggo Darts ect. The Rollinghoffs owned 93-893 in the early 1960s.
Great to catch up with them. Happy caravaning in the future.

Robyn & I met up with Bruce Taylor who raced 93-833 and owned 93-897 as his street drive car back
in the mid 1960s. Had a nice get together after 40+years, sorted out some Buckle items and world affairs ect.
These days Bruce crews for Dr.John Ashwell with his racing Buckle 93-883.
Bruce 2014 now races a Tiga sports car.
Great to see him after all these years. Bruce and Barbara we wish you well and have great times travelling.

At the Davistown picnic we all met up with Jim Smith and his son Phil . Jim owned 93-889 from 1961 to 1971.
Here catching up with Brian Lawler after 42 years. Brian sold Jim his Buckle and bought it back 10 years later.
Jim met up with other Buckle owners and chattered for hours. Sure we will catch up again as Jim was very excited to
see four Buckles together.

We all met the Lumby family in Oct. 2012 at the Davistown picnic. Here Bob & Virginia and family having a chat
with Bill Buckle. Bob & Virginia owned 93-888 from 1969 to 1972. Great to catch up with you guys after all these years.

At Bendigo swap meet 2012 we caught up with John & Barb Russell of Ballarat Victoria. After approx 35years it
was great to catch up and chat with them. John (ex RAAF) owned 93-889 from 1971 to 1982.
Emails are good but its great to see you in person after all these years.

When Danny & Robin Lloyd were down the south coast, they called in and met up with Alan & Maureen James
who purchased 93-901 back in 1959.. Talked over good old times and browsed through Alan"s old photos which
he lent us for our website.

Bob & Amy Boston caught up with Pat Halloran at Windsor coffee shop for brunch, exchange the latest gossip
and the good old times with their Buckles. Patrick owned 93-884 in the 1960s. Sadly Patrick does not have
any old photos of his Buckle.

Today 17/3/17 we met up with the original owner of 93-899 Leo Tutt.
Kevin who owns it now had a great chat about their racing days in the Buckle.
Great to catch up after 58 years.
IF you ever owned a Buckle - We would love to catch up with you.
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